an 8 week IMMERSION building the FOUNDATIONS to craft a THRIVING life & business

Are you a heart-centered leader with a vision for a vibrant, holistic life?

Do you crave freedom and expansion?

Are you ready to embrace the next version of your evolution?


In this 8-week immersion you’ll create the foundations for how to thrive physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, socially & financial in life & biz.



If you…


…are craving freedom + spaciousness in your life

…are tired of playing small and settling for less

…have big dreams but you’re not quite sure how to manifest them into reality

…know that you’re meant for extraordinary things

…are seeking soulful connections

…are ready to rewrite your limiting beliefs and develop a new relationship to wealth

…are ready to heal and expand your nervous system

…want to amplify & accelerate your business

…are ready to step out of scarcity and embrace your innate abundance



You are here for GREATNESS, and you KNOW IT. You know deep in your heart you have a BEAUTIFUL MISSION for your life. You’re a VISIONARY, a change maker, a SACRED DISRUPTER here to shake up the status quo and help BIRTH a new world.

So it’s time to stop playing small and settling for less. No more compromising one area of your life for another. You’ve been sold a lie that in order to succeed in life or business you have to be depleted and burnt out. There is a better way…

Cutting edge frequency technology + HOLISTIC WEALTH & FREEDOM + SOUL aligned COMMUNITY = your new PERSONAL REALITY

The Modules


Week 1: Vision, Mission & Movement

Week 2: Launching your Business

Week 3: Messaging & Marketing

Week 4: Sacred Sales

Week 5: Sexy Systems & Daily Action

Week 6: The Pathway to Leveraged Income

Week 7: Leadership

Week 8: Wealth Energetics

In this 8-week immersion you’ll create the foundations for how to thrive in 5 areas of life, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & financial.


You’ll learn: 

How to get crystal clear on your vision and embody it now.

To expand your mission, message & movement through relationship marketing & community building.

To implement proven systems and structures that will amplify your time and energy for what you love.

How to accelerate your next evolution with frequency technology.

How leveraged income creation can support your soul-driven dreams.


This is your blueprint to freedom


If you are a mother, a father, a visionary, a heart-centered leader, a truth-seeker, a rebel, a business owner, a digital nomad, a creative, a bodyworker, an energy worker then this is for you.

We start October 18th 2023, are you coming?



What People Had To Say About The Last Immersion

What's included in THRIVE?

  • 8-weeks of mentorship and training from our community of thought leaders + experts
  • Recorded calls & access to a library of replays
  • Social media training to help you launch and grow a successful, thriving business
  • The skills necessary to create sacred sales
  • Insight on becoming comfortable with being visible
  • Knowledge and wisdom on how to best leverage frequency to support all areas of your life 

How do I join you?


All of this training is provided for free for anyone that’s a part of our Healy community through the Freedom Frequency lineage. 

That means all that you need to join us is to purchase a Healy frequency device through the person that sent you this link. If you’re ready to take that step, reach out to them and they can assist you in getting started with your Healy purchase.

Our top recommendation for anyone wanting to join us, excited for the fullest level of holistic support to purchase either the Resonance Plus or Professional model, or the MagHealy. These powerful tools will help support the energetic shifts that will bring you into alignment with thriving in all areas of your life + business.

You will also have the opportunity to get an affiliate link that will allow you to generate income when you share the device with others, as well as connect you to all of the resources we offer, like THRIVE - for free.


an 8 week IMMERSION building the FOUNDATIONS to craft a THRIVING life & business

Once you have purchased your Healy Resonance Plus or above, let your mentor know you would like the application to join THRIVE. It is a simple and important part of the accountability process. We want to get to know you a little better before we begin, and make sure that everyone who is starting this process is excited to receive a powerful and concentrated level of training.



We are a community of pioneers dedicated to creating full & vibrant lives in alignment with our highest selves.


We are devoted to creating a lasting legacy of freedom, holistic wealth and leveraged community. We’ve created this for ourselves, and now you can too.



Meet Your Hosts

Jessica Hesser

A poetic activator, esoteric healing arts guide, and women’s leader. Jessica’s mission is to awaken people to their creative power and potential; to inspire them to a life of beauty and joy. On the dawn of this great human evolution she sees an opportunity for both individual and collective liberation.


Arihia Sun

A High-Frequency Business Coach & Mentor. Specialising in the principles of magic consciousness and wealth creation. Trained in Kinesiology using Neuro-programming, Arihia is passionate about empowering others to find and love their purpose so they are able to have a life in alignment with their genius and joy.  


Sarah Blackah

Sarah Blackah is a health & freedom lifestyle mentor, International speaker/facilitator and global community activator. She is here to partner with leaders to co-create their heaven on earth.


Max Gloeckner

Conscious entrepreneur, freedom lover and frequency expert Max is building conscious communities around the world and inspiring others to lead a freedom lifestyle. Before Healy, he featured in Top Million Dollar Agent a lifestyle real estate show and is now a Senior President with Healy World and top earner of the company.

Demetra Penner

An artist of Spirit, a sound healer, vocal alchemist and creatress of Sweet Spirit Apothecary, a line of natural skincare and magical aromatherapy  potions. Demetra calls on the earth elements, the cosmos, the angelic realms, and her inner world to bring to awareness the beautiful connectedness of the natural world and the human heart.

Rochelle Hubbard

Women’s guide, mentor and curious thinker. Rochelle is a passionate and supportive coach and guide, helping women all over the world to reconnect with their true potential.




And our special contributors...

Kim Mellor

Mentor, podcast host & leader of the new paradigm

Sarah Jane Perman

Womb wisdom keeper, facilitator of feminine embodiment and somatic explorer

Karen Louise

Holistic health and quantum coach